Associate Ministers

Pastor Farrow leans on the Associate Ministers to aid in the ministry work of our church.  

Our associates are compassionate, well-trained, and eager to be of assistance!

  • Min. Tylia "Ty" Barnes Oladipo

  •          Rev. Kathy Bonapart


              M. Div

  •       Rev. Allen "Rudy" Burris


  •         Rev. B. Kenneth Burton


  •       Rev. Dr. Jeanette Foster



  •        Min. Patricia Gilmore


  •   Rev. Willis Hickerson, Jr.

  •          Rev. Rodney Jackson



  •            Rev. WIllie McCOrkle

  •       Min. Geraldine Porter

          B.A. Student

  •              Min. Madria Spivey




RMBC associate ministers are excited to serve you with our variety of gifts, experiences, skills and wisdom.  

  • Our ages range from 30 years old to 90+
  • Some of us are NC natives and others are transplants
  • Some of us are parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents
  • We attended small, large, public, and private HBCUs and PWIs.
  • Our favorite ministry interests vary and include Theology, Chaplaincy, Congregational Care, and more. 
  • We work in finance, the CMS System, IT, and some are retired.  
  • Our other interests include basketball, cooking, fishing, reading, theatrical plays, and much more!